
Yoga At Home For Complete Beginners in 2022

Yoga At Home For Complete Beginners in 2022

If you're new to yoga, it might be frightening and tough to know where to begin. One great thing about yoga is that you don't have to be a yogi or yoga instructor to enjoy its advantages. Yoga may help you relax your mind and strengthen your body, whether you are young or old, overweight or athletic. Don't be put off by yoga vocabulary, expensive yoga studios, or difficult positions. Everyone can benefit from yoga. Take a look at the article below to learn more about the benefits of doing yoga at home and how to get started.

What Exactly Is Yoga?

Yoga is a diverse set of spiritual approaches and practices aiming at uniting the mind, body, and spirit to reach enlightenment or oneness with the cosmos. In the West, what is commonly referred to as "yoga" is Hatha Yoga, one of the many forms of yoga. So many yoga paths stress various approaches and practices, yet they all lead to the same end goal of union and enlightenment. The yoga postures themselves are a terrific kind of mental and physical training, regardless of what your objectives or intentions are for getting started.

Yoga poses for beginners include the following:

This is a whole yoga session in these positions. Slowly progress through each posture, remembering to breathe as you go. Stop after any position that is difficult for you, especially if you are out of breath, and resume when your breathing has returned to normal. Each posture should be held for a few deep breaths before continuing to the next.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog Pose):

Downward Dog Pose
                                                                               Downward Dog Pose

Start by getting down on all fours or in a cow pose. Wrists should be placed under shoulders, and knees should be placed under hips. The tips of your fingers should be pointing to the top of your mat. Distribute your weight equally across your hands by spreading your fingers wide. Raise your knees off the floor, extending your pelvis upward as though your hips and thighs were being dragged backward. The shape of an "A" should emerge from your body. Extend your legs as much as possible, but don't block them. Relax your neck by focusing between your knees.

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward-Facing Dog Pose):

Start by laying down on your mat, face down. Elbows should be bent. Firmly place your hands on the mat. Make a spread with your fingers. Wrists must be parallel to the mat, and arms should be kept taut at your sides. Raise your body off the ground by pressing down through the tops of your feet. The only parts of your body that should contact the ground are your hands and the tops of your feet. Gently arch your back.

Vrksasana (Tree Pose):

Maintain a solid foot on the floor while standing on one foot. With toes pointed to the floor, place your opposing foot against your thigh or calf (but not your knee). The pelvis must stay centered, and your hips must be square. Extend your arms upward or keep your hands at your heart's center. This position strengthens the thighs, ankles, and spine while improving a yogi's sense of balance.

Bhujangasana or Cobra (Cobra Pose):
Cobra Pose
                                                                                   Cobra Pose

Initiate by laying face down on your yoga mat. Extend your arms and elevate your chest off the floor. Squeeze your hips and legs together. Your shoulder blades should be firm. Thighs and tops of feet should be pressed onto the floor. In contrast to the comparable upward-facing dog, your legs and lower body should remain on the ground in this posture. The above posture stretches and strengthens the spine while stretching the lungs, shoulders, and abs.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Shoulder supported bridge):

Begin by laying on the floor with your back to the ceiling. Push up with your bottom and torso by pressing your feet and arms into the floor. Your thighs and feet ought to be parallel to each other. The knees should be higher than the heels at all times. Consider clasping your hands beneath your body. Anxiety, headaches, and exhaustion can all be alleviated with this position. It extends the back, neck, and spine as well.

Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose):

With one leg, lunge forward, keeping your thigh parallel to the floor. Your feet's bottoms should be facing forward. In the direction of your lunge, your torso should face forward. Lift your arms to the heavens and keep your shoulders relaxed. Lift your ribcage and look ahead. Such a position strengthens the shoulders, arms, thighs, and calves while opening the chest, shoulders, and neck.

Trikonasana (Utthita Trikonasana) (Triangle Pose):

To begin, stand four feet apart. Ascertain that your arms are parallel with the floor. Then, with one hand, reach down toward your foot and grip your ankle or shin if you're flexible enough; your other hand may rest on the floor. The other hand should be held up to the sky. Look up at your fingertips. The legs are toned, and the lower body is more stable in this stance. The hamstrings, hips, and back are also stretched profoundly.

Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend):

Hold your hands on your hips and stand tall. From the hips, bend forward. As you extend downward, lengthen your torso. Bring your palms or fingers to the floor in front of your feet, or as far as they will go. You may stand with your legs straight or slightly curved. This position is a stress reliever that may be used in between other poses in your practice to help you relax. Thighs and knees are also strengthened.

Kumbhakasana(Plank Pose):
Kumbhakasana (Plank Pose)
                                                                        Kumbhakasana (Plank Pose)

Get down on your hands & knees to begin. Wrists should be precisely beneath the shoulders. Using your hands, spread your fingers and press down. Take a step back and tuck your toes into your socks, elevating your legs off the mat. Expand your shoulders and firm your physique. Ascertain that your chest is precisely over your hands.

Yoga savasana (Corpse Pose):

The majority of yoga sessions conclude with you lying flat on your back in Corpse posture. Yoga practice is not complete until it includes a final relaxation position. Even though Corpse Posture (Savasana) is a resting pose, Savasana (Corpse Pose) has been named the most difficult of the yoga poses. During the five to ten minutes of ultimate relaxation, you should endeavor to remain present and alert. It's a crucial transition from your yoga practice to the rest of your day. The mind is stimulated to be calm while the body is brought to stillness. This may be taxing at first, but with practice, it will get simpler.


DareMe has long provided folks with a well-researched and useful platform for learning yoga. You may be confident that dealing with high-quality qualified and professional yoga classes will be a dependable experience for you. DareMe provides hundreds of FREE yoga courses in many styles to practice at home, on your own time, and at your speed, with the world's finest yoga experts. Every yoga lesson video on their website is provided for free by the world's most prominent and best yoga teachers.


DareMe is a social network for achieving goals through online classes. Our platform rewards and incentivizes participants to challenge themselves with free, popular, and highly effective online yoga, fitness and meditation classes.


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